“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”
~Mark Twain

I have to apologize to readers (again) for being absent from responding and moderating the blog for so long. I know there are some things I need to clean up, and inappropriate comments to delete. I intended to do that this past weekend, but here it is my lunch hour on Monday and it’s still not done.

I started a new job last Spring and had a daughter get married over the summer, so family time has become a lot more scarce, and therefore a bit more precious.  I have some reading to do to catch up, but I’m looking forward to reengaging with the conversation.

P.s. – Just as a reminder to newbies, the articles on this blog are the ONLY things that can be attributed to me personally. The articles express my own opinions in as accurate and kind a way as I know how, but I don’t have control over the commenting, nor the time to moderate inappropriate material in real-time.

To those who have helped with this by emailing me specific items that need to be deleted, thank you!


1. Deleted some profanity, please send me links to specifics and I’ll delete others.

2. Reminder: Keep it classy and conversational, people, or I’ll have to shut comments down. I want to provide a forum for intelligent conversation, not a gutter to throw mud around.

3. Ronnie: Asking “If Stanton isn’t the right church, which one is?” is the wrong question and you’ll get the wrong answer every time, because there is no perfect, infallible church. Not Stanton, not the Christian Churches, not any of them. That is the point.

A scriptural local church is a body of believers, not a specific denomination or sect meeting in a specific address. See my article This one little problem with the One True Church claimEven the churches in Revelation within the lifespan of the apostles had strayed. If Stanton truly had been on the right track by dividing from mainline CoCs (which they weren’t, but go with me here), they would be beset by the same problems as the churches described in Revelation: human error.

A better question is “Where can I worship and grow in knowledge and grace and love and generosity and all the other fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5?”

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