1. You may not take a job that keeps you from working on Sunday.
  2. You may keep a job within the first two years that keeps you from working during midweek class, non-member class, or personal work.
  3. Within the first two years, you are expected to give up any job that requires you to work during midweek class, non-member class, or personal work.
  4. You may not take a job that may require you to relocate.
  5. You may not keep a job that suddenly asks you to relocate (unless there is an established church in that location, or you are trusted enough to start a church in that location).
  6. You may not be a paramedic, nurse, doctor, or any other job that may require you to see someone naked.
  7. You may not have or keep a job that requires you to carry a gun and potentially use it, even in the defense of innocent victims of a crime.
  8. You may not enlist in any branch of the military, because you may be required to miss church on Sunday or other church functions, and because you may be required to harm or kill an enemy combatant.
  9. You may, however, work as a civilian contractor for the military, supporting such efforts to kill enemy combatants.
  10. Working for the government is always encouraged, because you have better job security and can take more time off for church functions than in non-government jobs.
  11. You may not take or keep a job that requires you to take a client, such as a handicapped individual that receives recreation-types of services, to a movie theater to watch a movie. G rated movies are no exception.
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