Yearly Archives: 2020

18 October

Breaking free of old thought patterns

By |2020-10-18T11:29:26-06:00October 18th, 2020|Uncategorized|69 Comments

I realize that the use of the word "cult" is "triggering" to some. But nevertheless, I persist, because confronting reality is better than sticking our collective heads in the sand. I don't want to get off-track on the subject of whether the Stanton Church of Christ is actually a cult or not. For that, you can go here for my thoughts. But for this article, I'd like to flesh out the idea that there is a common thread among those who have come out of—let's say—controlling organizations. I promise that I won't use the word "cult" from here forward, to reduce any further "triggering." I want to approach this from the standpoint of an abusive/controlling relationship. Why, you might ask? Because I've helped mentor dozens [...]

31 July

Why Stanton’s view of unity is self-refuting

By |2020-07-31T15:15:46-06:00July 31st, 2020|Uncategorized|29 Comments

Does Stanton really believe the church must be unified on all teachings in order to remain "The One True Church?" You could be forgiven for coming away from their classes thinking that. I mean, after all, that's their chief criticism of other churches. "The Catholic church changes their teachings to whatever the Pope says." "The Baptists change their teachings at their annual Baptist Convention." "The Mormons change their teachings at the whim of their current 'Prophet.'" "The Jehovah's Witnesses change their teachings at the behest of the Watchtower publication." "The Lutherans change their teachings to whatever the Missouri Synod decides." Given the above, how is it not fair to say that the Stanton Churches of Christ change their teachings according to the results of the [...]

28 January

An Open Letter to My Daughters

By |2020-01-28T10:25:38-07:00January 28th, 2020|Uncategorized|71 Comments

I’m not sure where to start. Should I start at the beginning? A-when I held you for the first time after that 28-hour labor, knowing a love like no other? M-when I brought you home and you refused to eat, trying everything while I was alone, worried that you were losing weight? I had no money, no support, no phone…I’m not sure I’ve ever told you how hard that first week was. I was thinking about all the good times we’ve had. I was a good mom. I made almost every decision after having you around YOU. Date nights? No, my kids are too small and I already leave them because I have to work to pay the bills. Travel alone? I don’t think so. [...]