Spring Valley, Calif.  – In breaking news from the Spring Valley congregation, evangelist Gary Preman has announced that only sin will be forbidden by the church in the future.

At the Labor Day Meeting 2013, Preman said “Our admonition is not to forbid anyone from doing anything, unless it’s a sin.”

The author of the Stanton Church of Christ blog says that this is a significant change from past teachings of the church, which are largely based on 45 years of church tradition.

“Church traditions and the opinions of church teachers are not properly called ‘doctrines’ in church nomenclature,” according to the author of this blog, “but are called ‘judgments.’ So it remains to be seen if this new ‘judgment’ will work its way through the church into next year’s March Meeting to establish the following year’s church doctrines.”

In any case, he says church watchers have nothing but commendation for the new policy.

“Many people inside and outside of the church are excited by this change in policy, because it means hundreds of unbiblical church prohibitions, like wearing blue jeans to Bible class, men wearing shorts, or traveling out of town over a Sunday without permission from a teacher, will be scrapped in favor of purely Biblical teachings on sin,” he says.

He notes that there are hundreds of church members waiting for further information on this new teaching to learn whether it was misspoken or represents a permanent change of direction.

“It is unclear whether Mr. Preman will be reprimanded for this public departure from church policy, or even whether the church noticed it.”

This story will be updated as new information arrives.

Update: The following lists of rules, among others, are expected to be reviewed for compliance with the new policy. A full report will be expected in March 2014.


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