Any group of people closed off from outside influences to any degree will develop their own cultural norms for words and phrases that come to mean something different to them than to the outside world. This is true of all denominations and church cultures, not just the Stanton churches, by the way.
Below is a glossary I’ve compiled to help readers sort through the many definitions and common phrases used by the Stanton churches.
Appearance of evil – In Stanton usage, “appearance of evil” is a verse pulled wildly out of context and used to refer to the “optics” of your actions, not the actions themselves, as the Bible uses it. The ASV correctly renders this “abstain from every form of evil.” (1 Thess. 5:22 ASV) Example: Anna was told by her Teacher that she couldn’t go to a G rated movie with her child because it was an appearance of evil.
Adding on – This refers to the practice of adding church functions to your schedule, which you cannot “draw back” without jeopardizing your salvation. Example: Edna added on the Ladies’ Bible Class on Friday morning, but when she missed one day to take her husband to the doctor, she was rebuked for “drawing back unto perdition.”
Babe – This is the common way of referring to new Christians. A “baby babe” is a very new Christian. Example: Did you hear about Tacoma’s new babe Tom?
Counsel – Members are encouraged to “get counsel” (ironically often confused with “council,” which means a legislative body of people convened to regulate matters of doctrine). This means to go to a Local Teacher to ask their advice for something. Local Teachers are to get counsel from Main Teachers, and if they don’t do so every so often, they can come under suspicion for being too independent (a maverick, so to speak). Example: Mary asked Martha, the Local Teacher, if she could go out of town for a family wedding over a weekend. Martha wanted to make sure she didn’t get rebuked for giving permission, so she asked Mona, a Main Teacher, for counsel on the matter.
Doctrine – Stanton considers a doctrine to be different from a judgment. As I understand it, teachings that are agreed upon by delegates to the May Meeting are doctrines of the church. Advice offered by a teacher in a specific circumstance would be a judgment. However, the line gets blurred when the “teaching comes back” from May Week in response to a question about what the proper “judgment” in a circumstance should be. Does that then push “judgments” into the category of “doctrines?” The Biblical meaning of the word “doctrine” is simply anything that is taught. So judgements, when taught, become doctrines.
Doctrine of Christ – As best I can tell, to Stanton this term means the entire New Testament processed through deductive and inductive reasoning using command, example and so-called “necessary inference.” Further, it is only those deductions and inductions as arrived at by Stanton; other Christians who have attempted to use deductive and inductive reasoning to determine the Doctrine of Christ are wrong if they don’t agree with them. In reality, the Apostle John uses the phrase to mean Jesus’ primary teaching: “Love one another.”
Evil surmising – Teachers use this phrase to rebuke someone for assuming bad things about someone. Ironically, we’ve seen recently that it is common to assume evil things about unbelievers’ motives, the motives of anyone critical of church doctrines, etc. Example: All criticisms of church doctrines or practices are done out of evil motives.
Fallen away – Stanton uses this term to refer to people who have left their fellowship. To leave their church is to fall away from Christ altogether–never mind that people might leave because their consciences can’t take the unbiblical teachings anymore. Example: The church would say Kevin is a fallen away Christian, but he continues to be a die-hard believer and follower of Jesus Christ.
First Principles – Stanton uses this phrase to refer to what they teach in non-member classes. This is to them the milk of the word, whereas all the rules and regulations added after that apparently are the meat of the word. Example: After attending non-member classes for years, our members are ready to debate the Pope about the First Principles of the Doctrine of Christ (see above).
Judgment – The advice given by a Teacher in response to someone “seeking counsel.” Stanton tries to maintain a distinction between “judgments” and “doctrines,” but in reality, anything that is taught is by definition a “doctrine.”
Gospel of Christ – See Doctrine of Christ.
Indiscreet – Stanton uses the word “indiscreet” as a synonym for immodest. While the words are related, indiscreet is more accurately referring to a lack of judgment about when or when not to reveal information and to whom. Example: John was indiscreet in telling Jane about Jim’s immodesty so that Jeff heard all about it.
Law of Christ – See Doctrine of Christ.
Man-pleaser – This is a term used to label someone in a derogatory manner who does things to be seen by men. In the context of Galatians 1:10, there is nothing wrong with this term: “For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men?” The irony, however, is that the entire hierarchy of Stanton function to ensure that members must be “man-pleasers” toward the Local Teachers, Main Teachers, and Evangelists.
Marked and avoided – This phrase comes from Romans 16:17 and 2 Thessalonians 3:14. However, Stanton manufactured its use of the term as a way to distinguish it as a form of church discipline more severe than their “withdrawal.” In truth, both terms are used out of their proper context.
Miscarrying womb – A church that does not grow.
Murmuring – Speaking out against a Teacher or the teachings of the church. The story of Korah murmuring against Moses is used as an example. This says something about the authoritative role Teachers play in the church, given that Moses was told word for word by God the laws that Korah was rebelling against. There was no “command, example, and necessary inference” on Moses’ part, and Moses was literally speaking by divine inspiration. Modern Teachers are not. Example: Harvey was withdrawn from for murmuring against Harold at a fellowship because he shared with someone that he didn’t agree with Harold’s exegesis of Scripture.
Off church – Any non-Stanton (mainline or otherwise) church of Christ. In their minds, they are the Only True Church, and after the early 70’s, the other churches of Christ were “off.”
Older ones – This is a term used loosely to refer to members in good standing who have been around since the early days of the sect’s formation. It is generally used to refer to members who knew Merie, or at least met her.
Prove all things – Stanton uses this admonition of Paul’s in 1 Thess. 5:21 to tell its members to study the doctrines of the church to be able to prove them by the Bible to themselves and to others. The word “prove” is actually an archaic English word meaning “to test.” So the Biblical phrase actually means to test all teachings by the Scriptures to determine whether the teachings of the church or anyone else are true, just like the Bereans did, and if they stand up to Scripture, only then hold fast to them.
Putting too much paint on the brush – This term is used to refer to a rebuke or reproof that is too specific.
Religious world – This term is used to refer to Christians whom Stanton does not consider to be true Christians. Example: The religious world is full of soft preachers who just want to talk about soft topics like love all the time.
Study to show thyself approved – This is used by Stanton to mean “study the Scriptures” whereas it actually means “be diligent” to show yourself approved: 2 Timothy 2:15 – Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. (NIV)
Unclean – This term used to be used exclusively as a label for a person who was caught or admitted to masturbation. Questioning people and withdrawing for this offense has stopped, and the church has realized that the word is not synonymous with masturbation in the Bible like they once thought. Nevertheless, the word is still often used euphemistically to refer to masturbation, and there have even been examples of teachers using the term to refer to normal marital sexual relations. Example: The Teacher asked Dora if the only reason she wanted to reunite with her husband was to be unclean with him.
Withdrawn From – Stanton uses this to mean a state someone is put into by church as a matter of church discipline. By inappropriately cross-referencing several verses that address how to deal with various behaviors in the church, they have developed a list of rules for “withdrawn from” members. Example: Balinda’s son Blaine is withdrawn from, so she may not eat with him or have conversations with him. Balinda may have a brownie with Blaine if they are standing outside on the patio, but not if they are sitting at a table together. Balinda’s husband Bob is withdrawn from also, but she is able to have sex with him, eat with him, and talk with him about everything except church business.
Worship Service – The period of time that is considered to be “commanded” by God using a combination of “commands, examples, and necessary inferences.” Between the opening prayer and the closing prayer of this time period, women may not speak or even motion to people as a form of communication, except to stand up and make public confessions. Once the closing prayer is done, the Worship Service is over, so women can speak and teach, and the rules of Worship Service no longer apply. Example: Nancy was rebuked for asking her husband to pass the diaper bag during Worship Service.
unclean, man-pleaser, getting council, marked and avoided, rebuke, withdrawn from……..the list goes on and on…….
This glossary is a great idea! I'd like to see it expanded to include Anon 10:50's terms.
err on the side of caution, purposing, lay by in store, evangelist, teacher, main teacher, teaching priest, older ones, bishop, Christian, non-member, alien sinner, thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the grain, wearing one's best, keeper at home, the Lord's day, castigate (usually defined as the unfair reproof of an older one), minimizing sin, the schedule, keeping the schedule, personal work, unity (unanimity), May meeting (based on Acts 15 council), morning class, evening class, midweek class, non-member class, judgment (similar to "rule")
every man is either a preacher or a preacher in training
Definition from the 90's:
Evangelists (full time evangelists) are only traveling preachers or preachers actively starting and building new congregations. Evangelists cannot remain in the same congregation for years and years.
Jude, that is beyond horrible. This entire cult needs to be shut down. I don’t care if they have changed some of or many of there evil ways. It all started with the wicked Merie Weiss and that mindset is still amongst the cult.
1. Greet one another with a holy kiss2. Indiscreet3. Judgment4. Seek counsel5. Babe6. Older ones7. Teacher8. Preacher9. Evangelist10. Keeper of the home11. Under subjection12. Worldly 13. Marked and avoided14. Withdrawn from15. Admonish16. Rebuke17. Chastise18. Fellowship19. Personal Work20. Bible Class21. Worship service22. Taking notes23. Under consideration for withdrawal24. May meeting25. Don't eat with (withdrawal)26. Don't be entangled with the affairs of the world27. Study28. Murmuring29. Complaining30. Teaching31. Appearance of evil32. Put God first in your life33. Haven't "grown"34. Carnal35. Spiritual36. Brawler37. Taking care of sins38. Confession (private or public)39. Rebuke before all so others may fear36. Evil surmising37. Making stands38. Bad… Read more »
48. Children should be seen and not heard.
Thanks for all the great suggestions…I'll add this to my to do list. 🙂
Oh yeah, "adding on" (like classes or duties) and once you add something on you can't back off from it or "draw back'" for any reason or you risk "losing your soul" or the Holy Spirit.
Here's another big one because it hurts "The Flesh" and everything is done to you is because 'We love your soul"
Miscarrying Womb (a church that does not grow)
Putting too much paint on the brush (when a rebuke or reproof is too specific)
paraphrase, exegesis, interpret, the religious world, fallen away, works, foundation, the building
Spanking spoon
Merie was a mother to us
Put something in the lesson for him/her
Seek outside counsel
Sports instill pride
Don't cheat your brethren
Come prepared to class
Check back with the non-member 3 times
Get rid of your old names
Stop trying to tape dead fruit on the tree
Push the flesh
Jesus didn't run after anyone
They wouldn't have made it anyway
Take notes. You can't remember everything.
You're either living, dying or dead.
Don't teach your conscience.
Can you elaborate on "Don't teach your conscience?" I'm confused about how they use that phrase.
In an attempt to answer Kevin's question on "don't teach your conscience," there is a difference between teaching your own conscience and teaching previously established, conscience-driven rules. For example, there is a previously established, conscience-driven rule requiring members to take notes. One brother, a preacher in Albuquerque, took the rule one step further and required notes to be taken in triplicate; this preacher would not allow carbon copies to be used. The congregants had to take three separate pages of notes, because carbon copies were not the purest form of note taking. Requiring three sets of non- carbon copied notes,… Read more »
Thank you for the info, Anon 10:05. I'm left shaking my head. When will the unbiblical doctrines ever stop? Oh that's right–if we don't call them "doctrines" they don't have to.
Yep. Even as young kids we were made to take down exhaustive notes so that we could be quizzed and judged then disciplined.
Time and chance – instead of God's sovereignty
The "religious world" teaches a "watered down" doctrine
My favorite clearing yourself
I assume this means making yourself free from sin before the Lord's supper?
How about "the different ones"- referring to an unspecific group of teachers or counsellors. For example, "At May week different ones sat me down to show me the err of my ways". It means those who are in authority, without naming anyone ( it seems so the conversation does lend toward murmuring.
After leaving this sect, my daughter pointed out that I was still using this term and it was something she can take back to the roots of this sect.
Haha. "Different ones"…for when you want to gossip and hint at who they are but don't dare.
I look at the abuse of authority this way: 1 Timothy 4:1-4 the forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats. These are both christian doctrines; the forbidding to marry by eunuchs (Mathew 19:10-12) and forbidden to marry outside of the religion (1 Cor 7:39) and to abstain from things strangled (Acts 15:39) but as stated in 1 Timothy 4:1 it is those who will depart from the faith and create their own religion that will twist these scriptures to their own profit. There was a time in the nineties when the SCOC forbid many young people to marry,… Read more »
I grew up as a child in the spring valley COC from the late 70's to the early 90's. I haven't heard these terms anywhere else sense my child hood. Some of these terms still play on auto pilot in my head. Some of them are very damaging to young minds. Just reading all of these comments opens a whole lot of hurtful, painful memories. But being able to read the reasoning behind so many of my mothers actions, words, and the labeling done to me and the other children in the church at the time, will hopefully help me… Read more »
Hi Tamara, I'm glad you found the site. Please explore at your own pace. I hope you find some healing and renewed interest in the good God of the Bible, as opposed to the oppressive one Stanton teaches.
One of the damaging effects of the SCOC is from intimidation. Intimidation by a bully leads to a fearful mind in the bullied. Learning to recognize the source of fear and overcome it is key to freeing yourself from the cult of Merie. There are three kinds of people in this world: sheep, wolves, and shepherds. Having been through years of oppression I decided to become a shepherd and defend others against the wolves. I see bullies in my children's schools both with students who bully and teachers who bully. I see bullies on the job, and I see religious… Read more »
Equity; that is fairness or justice in the way people are treated, is a great part of what Christ taught. In John 5:1-9 we see how Christ established equity in healing. An impotent man was laid down by the pool for a very long time and Christ having seen this inequity asked the man first if he had faith to be healed and then when the impotent man said he was not being healed because he had no help to get down into the pool to be healed Christ healed him and is so doing made God's healing equal among… Read more »
Lots of wisdom here, Anon 10:29 and 12:31. You're right on. Unfortunately, the church completely misconstrued Jesus' teaching about leaving father and mother, sister and brother. This is the source of their grossly mistaken priority of church activities over the family unit. This is not Christianity, but "churchianity." The proper priorities in life are: 1) God; 2) Spouse; 3) Children. Stanton teaches that prioritizing God means forsaking the family unit—which God himself created—to take part in church activities. But God is not found in outward church activities. This the precise mistake the Pharisees made over and over. Outward works over… Read more »
At one of the last men's meetings my husband went to recently, the men were told Thursdays aren't their "free time". They don't care if you have a family of 1 or 10. Still not your free time! (As if a man with a large family and a job had much of free time to begin with).
and do you have a big family Martha. no you don't they used the time to do the works of the church! they had free days every other Thursdays obliviously Chris was deaf!
That's actually pretty funny. When I left I was pregnant with my now 6th child. I guess to you that's "not" a big family. But it doesn't matter to me ultimately WHAT the time was used for, but rather that one's conscience was being overridden by someone's judgement. No one should pressure someone else constantly to do any works. We should do things for our brethren–not to cater to the preacher– but because we sincerely want to. Chris was tired from work everyday (lots of sleepless nights with so lucky babies for us both), and as a man who picked… Read more »
*colicky babies Anyway, if there's a nonmember class every other Thursday and "works of the church" every other Thursday… umm… I'm not sure where you're getting the "free days" from. Maybe 5th Thursday's? How nice. But what I find most interesting is that there is even such a thing as "free days". That term, used by the members there, alone says enough. THEY dictate when your "free days" are. Not you. As if we weren't independent mature adults. As if we were prisoners "your free hour in the yard". As if we were in a communist country "not free to… Read more »
At Anon 11:12, I can assure you that I am not deaf, literally or figuratively. When my wife referenced my statement that Thursdays were not free time, that was said by one of the preachers during a men's meeting on a Sunday evening, where the men of the church go to the backroom and identify task assignments. Since you are anonymous, I do not know if you would have been in that meeting or not. The same man that said that Thursdays were not our free time went on to say that we would go back to having classes during… Read more »
Well said, C. Long! You and M. Long have traveled a long and difficult road! I'm glad you have found a wonderful place to attend, and now can have the relationships with your children, family, each other, and God, that God intended! I'm so sorry that Merie's group sees fit to continue to interfere with your relationships with ones that you love that are still in their group.I just wanted to comment on the "free time" that Anon brought out:-One, the fact that Merie's group calls it "free time" should point out to members just how ridiculous it is. To… Read more »
C Long you probably do not remember me but I met you at the May meeting 1998 in Portland. Great points you shared. Biggest regret I have of giving this cult a sniff is the family time I missed out on in the 20 years of wasted time in a false church.
Craig that was a different C Long, same name. My hubby was only in Merie's church from 2011-2017.
M Long Aw okay. I thought I knew your husband. Take care
He got that a lot when we went to meetings. 🙂
I just wanted to throw out there they no longer use the term "fallen away" within the past 2 years they decided once you're a "christain" you're always a "christain" so now they either call them/us "non attending members" or just "non members" last I was told.
It has changed because of the effects of this blog upon the SCOC. We speak the truth here about the abusive environment starting with verbal abuse, and then it progresses to physical abuse, and then spiritual or mental abuse, we cannot be ignored when we tell the truth. God does exist and takes vengeance upon all the ungodly especially those who hold the truth in unrighteousness, like hypocritical leaders, do as I command and don't look around at anyone else who is not following the commandments especially me the leader because I am just like a bishop that is above… Read more »
"hold the truth in unrighteousness" One of my favorite verses. I really do wish that they would take the things written in this blog seriously. It reminds me of where God says, "Come, let us reason together". They are as the woman at the well in that they may have the bible and know truth, they are just not practicing it. Also, I really do miss some of the brethren who are not like them, but live in fear of speaking out. I hope they can see the truth and make a decision for their own souls. I still pray… Read more »
Hmm, always referred to if you leave as fallen away Christian at least in Portland. You are correct once you’re a Christian always a Christian is how they see it.
It is still a dysfunctional cult and I pray you get out Anon.443. Thanks to the person now writing on the blog after being out 10 years.
This cult is dangerous. Pass the word. Do not be afraid to speak the truth.
I am out I've been out a little over 10 years but my mom still attends I am honestly one of the bitter ones I was abused amd experienced many of the same things others have wrote. Donna Benumm actually babysat me and my brother in the erie congragration im sure she'd remember us and it is so awesome to see her kind words and apologies i am so happy for her and so refreshed in seeing those things. Its very hard to be away some times because i feel torn for the first 18 years of my life these… Read more »
I understand completely. You feel as though the rug has been pulled out from you so to speak. You were betrayed and your mother cannot see it because she is brainwashed. God loves you and He will heal you but I am glad you are also in therapy and please keep participating with the blog.
To Raised in the church..- I would love to talk if we haven't already. you can PM me on FB.
Todays lesson was very deep, dark, and disturbing on the origins of law. When you go to law school you study the history of law and the first known written laws were that women were not to kill their babies; because the world's oldest profession produced unwanted babies. In the old testament their were very strict laws about dealing with a dead body, it had to be buried very quickly and deep at least six feet down and the reason for this is very dark, dark as in evil. In A.D. the Romans surrounded Jerusalem and starved the Jews out.… Read more »
Great comparisons. This all stems from a lack of "spiritual" food. For years I have been reading COC articles from as far back as the mid 50's and listening to tapes from the mid 70's to when I left and you will see it is the same pattern of their downfall being from lack of study. When you have nothing to spiritual to stand upon, you will fall into carnal oppression. The truth is not in us if we hate our brother and a lot of what I have seen is not love. A lot of what I have read… Read more »
Anon at 7:41PM-Are you saying that you believe the reason the Jews buried their dead quickly and six feet under was because it was to prevent cannibalism?I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. There are other very good reasons to bury our dead as soon as possible after they pass-the major reason being for sanitation reasons. The body starts to decay quickly, and handling it can spread disease. Many disease spreading insects also will come to the body, usually within just minutes of the person dying.Proper sanitation is also the reason that God taught the Jews how to deal with… Read more »
Also Anon, remember how God instructed the Jews in that if you handle a dead body, you are considered unclean for a period of time? And that you are to follow a strict procedure for washing, including your clothing. This was to prevent the infecting and spreading of disease, not to prevent cannibalism!
You are correct, there are many different reasons for taking care of a dead body properly. In studying survival situations such as Jerusalem A.D. 70, the Donner party, China from 1948-63 under Moa se dung, the 1972 plane crash in the Andes, all had resorted to cannibalism of the dead first but once the dead were eaten then they resorted to murder of the weaker members for food, it seems out of context but I did not include all the lesson for time sake. Spiritually I saw the same pattern with the congregation being feed criticism of the spiritually dead… Read more »
Anon747 if you're aiming for a cannibalism comparison, it's easy. They eat their own. As long as you are not baptized with them you are a possible Christian so they're nice. But once you become one of them, if you don't go along, you'll get eaten to death. Via withdrawal, reprovals, marked and avoided, rebukes, divisions in your family, whatever. That's cannibalism at its finest.
I am impressed! Someone else is applying the scriptures to modern day Christians. Instead of creating a blog then abandoning it like an unwanted child you are attempting to edify, I love you who ever you are! It is soo easy to put the basket of criticism upon the candle of edification like the queen of the Pharisees attempts to do. Should we be just a bump on a potato and sit quite while the seeking starve due to lack of edification upon this blog? If the sluggard king can leave the worshipping of his other god ( the almighty… Read more »
Abandoned? I take offense to that. lol Not really. I've been criticized for being a prolific writer and spending too much time on the blog, and I've been criticized for not spending enough time moderating it. I've been criticized for allowing too much dissenting conversation, and criticized for calling fouls and deleting comments I believed crossed the line of propriety. Readers will have to make their own judgment on the value of this blog. If you don't like it, don't read it. But if you value truth and honest conversation, and believe as I do that truth doesn't need to… Read more »
Nice to see you back Kevin
Anon 6:21. Tom Carr was wise getting away from all the hypocrites of Merie’s cult. What I read and if you were wise you would read too how could anyone with a good conscience be apart of this cult. Criticize those who leave typical Merie cult follower. Not sure if you are a member or not. Kevin you are doing a great job!!
Not a member any more, Tom Carr was the preacher in Oxnard when I was in, and ripped to shreds many men who were not in a leadership position like him. Have not heard anything about him since I left, I assumed he was still there in a leadership position.
Anon 621, I don't understand why you think this blog's main purpose is to edify. That's what finding a true place of worship is for. This blog is to help those hurt by Merie Weiss and her cult. At least Kevin isn't afraid to hide who he is, unlike you. I, for one, recommend to all to seek to be edified by qualified preachers and elders. That's right, ELDERS. Those men Merie was never able to come up with even 50 years later. I am encouraged by those such as Raised who recently found the blog. Indeed, it is quite… Read more »
Thank you M Long but I have to respectfully disagree. This blog has been open to all Christians non Christians family members and unbelievers Kevin has put little to no restriction to who or what can be posted on this blog. One of the underlying reasons for no elders in the Merie group is because Merie disdained elders. In Merie's generation, the world war two generation the church of Christ elders were man pleasers and weak leaders and when the Christian men were drafted instead of making a stand against the government like Moses did against Pharaoh, the told the… Read more »
Amen praise the lord! very well put anon540
Weither or not we are going to heaven if this is the true church how would we prove them wrong we are all fighting aginist them but we don't the standereds and more the only who is and would be the newest is "mlong" i really think we should give her a chance to speak and share her story. and see if they changed. i do know that they change some of the rules the in like Greenville about like the definition of like evil appearance i didn't get the whole story but we should hear "mlongs" FULL story
Anon 540, all I have to say is that your commentary just sounds like you repeated what Merie said in her letters. All of that was what justified Merie starting HER own church. I agree that we all should be studying and that we don't leave edification to just elders or PREACHERS who are in the place of elders. Anon 650, I have handwritten part of my story to help me heal. The problem is a lot of my interactions with the church are mixed with my ex-husband FP who introduced me into it and also my children with him.… Read more »
@m long no i don't mean you personal things i mean has the church changed or not ? like has the church change for good or bad. i know SA used to be discriminate based on age but JG and TG went in and help it out.
Well I suppose everything changes over time. But ultimately the SYSTEM hasn't changed. I look at it like this: Mormons are nice people and they have wonderful fellowship amongst themselves. However, their founder was a polygamist pedophile. He brought to them many of the "understandings" they practice today. As nice as they are, could anything Joseph Smith brought forth be right and called "The One True Church"? Yet they too disfellowship from those who dare speak against their beginnings and refuse to go along now that things have changed. Sound familiar? So for any of us here, I ask, what… Read more »
i have and it was very good thank you for telling me this it takes guts. i would say her church change things that the campbell church started doing for ex. they payed preachers so merie tried to bring these things up in private but she was turned down so she saw these things an tried to correct them but couldn't so she broke of into a church that went strictly about the bible.
Anon 6:44, you justify Merie's divisive words and actions because the mainline churches wouldn't listen to her about the heresy of paid preachers. You do realize, though, that the Bible authorizes paying those who labor in the vineyard? I Timothy 5:17-18 – The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, 'Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain,' and 'The worker deserves his wages.' Philippians 4:15-18 – And you Philippians know that in the early days of… Read more »
M Long at 9:39 I was not agreeing nor disagreeing with Merie and not repeating anything Merie said but stating historical fact. Merie never did praise any Bishop/Elder that I know of and as a result those who now lead in the SCOC have little motivation to make one an Elder/Bishop; the apple does not fall far from the tree. The absence of an Elder/Bishop in a congregation does not make it wicked nor does the presence of an Elder/Bishop make it righteous, there are plenty of churches that are righteous without an Elder/Bishop and some that are wicked with… Read more »
I agree that neither the lack of or presence of elders makes a church righteous or not. Also agree that Deacons should be in place and by now at least some of the older congregations should have had elders. Particularly because they like to bash other religions about who they choose to be bishops/elders. I can't imagine why they constantly bring up something they don't even practice after 50 years of preaching on it. As for working outside the home, in my experience it is not recommended unless you are a single or single mom in need. When I first… Read more »
I saw similar but worse situation in Phoenix. We had one man who was a self reformed drug addict and was self employed but did a very poor job of supporting his family. His irresponsibility caused them several times to be evicted while in the church but no teaching went out about being a responsible provider, in fact he was one of the favorites of the tow truck preacher and got a pass. His wife was both much higher educated and disciplined and could easily have support the family on an eight hour a day job. What do you do… Read more »
These preachers as you call them are totally unqualified. Give me a break!
Anon 1010, I agree. The preachers are just teaching each other what Merie taught the previous generation.
I realized one thing that was missing in the SCOC was the law of kindness. It is mentioned in Proverbs 31 with the virtuous woman but it equally applies to virtuous men. With the law of kindness you will only show kindness to others, with the SCOC they did not restrain their behaviors and were cruel without limits to others, especially the weak. A law limits you, you do not break laws without serious consequences. The way the SCOC members treat each other is shameful, harsh and unmerciful, they lack the law of kindness.
Anyone familiar with Church of Christ in Needles,California? We are near one and have seen several along the way on our travels through Oregon,California,Arizona and Nevada. I get eerie feelings each time we drive by one wondering “what goes on in this church?”