New Atheism and smashing babies against the rocks

By |2019-06-11T09:13:17-06:00May 31st, 2019|Uncategorized|34 Comments

The Bible says "happy is he who dashes your little ones against the rocks," so God must be evil. So says the New Atheist Movement, led by authors Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens. These Four Horsemen, and others with them, have made significant inroads against Christianity in the pop culture. This is not good from my perspective, but it is reality. And it's not surprising. After all, parents have outsourced their parental job to government schools, social media, and Netflix, and eagerly let pop culture icons like Katy and Miley raise their kids. Sects like Stanton teach a distorted view of God as well, and contribute to the problem. I've seen so many people escape Stanton and turn to atheism in [...]